Friday, November 28, 2008

How did you find this blog?

For the 15 people that stumble upon this: I'm a journalim major at the University of Florida. I want to be a columnist one day and have started writing my own stuff. It's more for practice than anything else, but I wanted to put it up somewhere.

Most of the stuff I write will be from a fan's point of view. Sports are fun, so reading and writing about it should be too. I don't try to sound too in-depth. I write it for people who like sports and want something fun to read. This is kind of the For-Us-By-Us (Yes, a reference to the most regrettable fashion choice of my pre-teen years) of sports journalism.

Feel free to comment on my stuff. Even if it's "hating," it's cool. I want to hear what you have to say. I can't get better without feedback, so rip me a new one if need be. If you like it, you can always tell me that too.

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